Architectural Design Services Uckfield
We welcome residential and commercial design work, including alterations, extensions, conversions and newbuild.
Following our initial detailed discussions with clients concerning their requirements and any further discussions whilst on site for the survey, we prepare design scheme drawings for further discussion and consideration and final approval.
Planning Consent and Listed Building Applications
We submit detailed plan submissions to Local Authorities for Planning Consent, Listed Building and Building Regulation consent. (See the information concerning your obligations) We have a good working relationship with Planning and Conservation Officers and our Partner Authority Building Control Department and private inspectors.
Professional Services
Measured Surveys
Full detailed measured surveys of buildings and land.
Feasibility Studies
Initial advice on whether a project is worth proceeding with. This often requires some expenditure on fees before anything else is carried out.
Building Design
Scheme ideas are presented to clients for comment, amendment and finalisation.
Planning & Listed Building Applications
Full digital production of drawings and other documents for electronic submission to LPA’s via the Planning Portal.
Building Regulations
We partner with one particular Building Control department but also work with Private Inspectors taking account of specific client requirements.
Project Monitoring/Contract Administration
Services are tailored to meet clients specific requirements and budgets.
Insurance reinstatement works
Detailed assessment of damaged caused, specification of reinstatement works, liaison with Loss Adjusters, contract administration.
We are experienced Party Wall Surveyors and boundary assessors. We are members of the London & Sussex Branches of the P&T Club.
Planning Consent
Planning Consent is required for many of the projects you will want to carry out on your home or business premises. These will be largely external alterations only but can apply to internal alterations where the property is Listed or the alteration means you will be changing the use. We can advise and prepare and submit all types of planning application on your behalf.
Building Regulations
The regulations relate to the technical details of your building project, from quite small projects to complicated extensions, alterations and newbuilds.
Always consult with a professional before embarking on a building project.
At Downlands Architectural Design & Surveying we can advise on the specific requirements for your particular project in relation to the property and whether you require Planning Consent, Listed Building Consent and/or Building Regulations Consent.
We then prepare the necessary documentation, submit on your behalf and deal with any queries put forward by the relevant Authority.